ENSP Conference 2018

ENSP Conference 2018

Left: Stephanie Teloniatis, RN MPH, Researcher at the George D. Behrakis Research Lab Right: Dr. Anna Tzortzi, MD, FCCP, PhD(c), Associate Director of the George D. Behrakis Research Lab

Representatives of the team at the LAB attended the 2018 European Network for Smoking Prevention Conference in Madrid, Spain, from June 14-16, to present some of the recent research conducted at the LAB.Presentation of results from the TACKSHS project, «Passive Exposure to E-cigarette Emissions: Minor Respiratory Effects»Find the published presented abstracts in the links below:

  1. Demi M, Teloniatis S, Vyzikidou V-K, et al. Smoking Prevalence in GreeceTob Prev Cessat. 2018;4(Supplement). doi:10.18332/tpc/90109.
  2. Demi M, Vyzikidou V-K, Teloniatis S, et al. Attitudes of the Greek Public towards the implementation of the smoking ban lawTob Prev Cessat. 2018;4(Supplement). doi:10.18332/tpc/90472.
  3. Tzortzi A, Teloniatis S, Matiampa G, et al. Passive Exposure to E-cigarette Emissions: Minor Respiratory Effects. Tob Prev Cessat. 2018;4(Supplement). doi:10.18332/tpc/90305.
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