George Matiampa


George Matiampa
Technical Assistant

Address: Ipitou 17b, Athens 105 57, Greece
Phone: 00 30 210 647 0056

George is a senior student at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens, in the Faculty of Technological Applications-Department of Biomedical Engineering. During his studies, he has been particularly engaged in projects such as the endoscope quality control, pneumatic pressure regulator and Positron emission tomography (PET), accumulating significant knowledge on emerging technologies and software (e.g. Automation Studio, Sante Dicom Viewer, Matlab, Cisco Packet Tracer, MySQL, etc). In the past, he has worked as administrative staff at the Social Security Agency.

George has been a team member at the “George D. Behrakis RESEARCH LAB” of the Hellenic Cancer Society since December 2016, when he started his internship. Over the course of the past year he has gained experience and became familiar with the respiratory maneuvers used for Lung Function testing and the technical support for the LAB. George also enjoys the Musical Arts, through his studies of Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music while also playing the guitar and participating in local theatrical ensembles in his spare time.


The SMOKEFREEGREECE initiative, established in 2009 for tobacco prevention with an emphasis in the school community, does not in any capacity, hold any obligation or relation to any funders, institutions, persons, or initiatives with similar names and/or scope. Does not have any financial, ideological, social relationship or collaboration with any industry related to the manufacturing, production, distribution or promotion of tobacco and/or other novel tobacco products.

The SMOKEFREEGREECE initiative is fully funded by the Behrakis Foundation Boston MA and is supported by the NGO Hellenic Cancer Society and the Educational Institution, The American College of Greece.

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