Free Spirometry testing for Victims of the Attica Fires

Free Spirometry testing for Victims of the Attica Fires

In light of the recent tragic events by the Attica fires, The George D. Behrakis RESEARCH lab of the Hellenic Cancer Society, is offering free Spirometry testing to all victims of the fires.

All those who were exposed to the harmful smoke or fires, with or without a history of respiratory conditions who would like to check their lung function are welcomed to visit us at the RESEARCH LAB located at 17b Ipitou street, Athens 105 57, in Plaka just a 5-minute walk from Syntagma station.

In order for us to accommodate you better, please call in advance to book your appointment with our Pulmonologist at 210-647-0056.

For further details and questions, we are here to help. Email us, or contact us by telephone.

Tel.: +30 210 6470056 or +30 210 6009800, ext. 3113 or 3109

e-mail: [email protected]

Our Location:
17B Ipitou, Plaka, Zip Code: 10557

Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00.

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